LIFE Prep,
a place
where students
Tour Our School
Contact the school office at
651-793-6624 to schedule a tour and find out more information

Welcome! Zoo siab txais tos! Bienvenidos!
LIFE Prep School, a school where every student succeeds. Our name says it all, LIFE stands for Learning in a Family Environment. Here, every student feels welcome and knows they are important as they set their own path to learning. LIFE Prep also means every student is prepared to move forward into their future. Students center their learning around 21st Century skills. Students learn collaboration, digital literacy and citizenship, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills designed to prepare them to thrive in today's world.
These Core Values Guide Our School

Students find a love for learning at LIFE Prep by taking pride in their academics and finding their self-confidence to continue their love for learning in the future.

Students achieve a high level of academics by the drive of wanting to learn in a safe, caring, respectful, and responsible envioronment

Student academics are top priority at LIFE Prep. Students are able to learn in many different settings from hands-on to technology based, our students are prepared to learn in many different ways

Students succeed inside the classroom, as well as outside the classroom; preparing the students for the future and to create their own path